UMA Alerts is your way to receive weather closure and emergency information via your cell phone and email. This is an important resource while attending UMA classes in Augusta, Bangor, or at the UMA Centers. All enrolled students are automatically registered to receive notifications at their email address and by text message if a cell phone is recorded in MaineStreet. Students will receive messages from all campuses at which they are currently enrolled. Students may opt out of notifications at any time.
To find out more about managing your emergency notifications, adding additional email addresses, and more, visit your campus portal ( Select “Manage Emergency Notifications” from the LaunchPad, the red triangle with exclamation point symbol.
Any Questions or Problems: Call UMA’s Technology Helpdesk at 621-7400 or 800-696-4357 or email
Prefer Academic text reminders to email?
Sign up to receive MaineStreet Message Center reminders as text messages. Log in to MaineStreet at and go to your Student Center. Select the link to the Text Messaging Service, located in the box on the bottom right of the page. Choose the MaineStreet Message Center option. If you would like to receive notification when your grades are posted, also select the Grade Notification Service option. UMA will not send account/identity information via text. Once activated, you may choose to opt out at any time. To continue the service, you will need to renew every year. If you have questions and/or experience problems signing up, contact: Registrar Tricia Dyer at 621-3144 or
Note: this is not a substitute for the UMA Alerts system, and only provides academic information.