Recognizing that all experiences and perspectives contribute to academic excellence, the University of Maine at Augusta (UMA) is proud to offer Transforming Lives scholarships to students whose academic achievement and varied backgrounds will enhance and enrich the education of all UMA students and the educational mission of UMA.

About the Award

TL Scholars are provided up to four years of funding provided Scholars meet requirements for continuation of the scholarship.

  • Awards for graduate full-time students will consist of $3,000 ($1,500/semester).
  • Awards for graduate part-time students will consist of $1,500 ($750/semester).
  • Awards for undergraduate full-time students will consist of $4,000 ($2,000/semester).
  • Awards for undergraduate part-time students will consist of $2,000 ($1,000/semester).

This scholarship can be used to cover education related expenses including tuition and fees. Two graduate and five undergraduate TL scholarships will be available for awarding each year.
TL Scholars are encouraged to contribute to the UMA community.

Continuation Requirements

Transforming Lives Scholars must maintain continuous (fall/spring) enrollment, complete the FAFSA for each aid year, and must maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.5 for undergraduate students and 3.0 for graduate students.

Scholarship Application Deadline

The scholarship deadline is March 14, 2025 and awards begin in the fall semester.

Scholar Eligibility Criteria

  • Be admitted to UMA.
  • U.S. citizens, permanent residents, and individuals granted “Refugee” or “Asylee” status in the U.S.
  • Complete the FAFSA each aid year of enrollment.
  • Have a record of academic merit in high school or prior college work.

How to Apply

  • Submit a UMA General Scholarship application by the due date in March.
  • Indicate that you are applying for the Transforming Lives Scholarship (found near the end of the list of scholarships).
  • Upload a response to the TL Scholarship essay prompt as a Word document or pdf with your General Scholarship Application.
    • Students applying for additional scholarships should follow the guidelines posted on the Scholarship Application website (e.g. submit a cover letter and resume).

Essay Prompt

UMA’s mission is to transform the lives of students of every age and background across Maine and beyond by providing access to high-quality education, exceptional student support, civic engagement opportunities, and innovative academic programs.

In 500 words or fewer, please describe how you would contribute to this mission as a Transforming Lives Scholar at UMA. Your response should highlight ways in which you would help foster a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all students, including those from backgrounds different from yours.

Evaluation Rubric

Applicant Demonstrates:123
Clarity of understanding of mission statement and fostering a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all students. Note: Essay does not need to address all concepts listed aboveLittle reflection on the concept(s) and their importance.Shows an understanding of the concept(s) and their importance  Shows a strong understanding and shares innovative ideas about the impact of the concept(s).
That the student has the potential to meaningfully support UMA’s mission of transforming lives and fostering a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all.No possible areas of contribution to UMA’s mission nor to fostering a welcoming and supportive learning environment for all.Adequate potential contributions in one of the two areas.Exceptional contributions in one area or adequate contributions in multiple areas.
GPAMinimum GPA (2.5)3.0-3.53.5 or higher

TL Scholar Selection

A Scholarship Committee designated by UMA’s President will select the 2025/2026 TL Scholars. Recipients will be notified of their selection no later than April 11th.