Course Descriptions
Courses are subject to change. View the official UMA Catalog here.
This course explores a variety of films in French set in of Francophone countries or regions, such as Europe (France), North America (Quebec) and Africa (Algeria, Senegal). We will seek to better understand the political, socio-economic, religious , and gendered dynamics in each film. No previous experience with the French language, WGS Studies, or cinema is expected. This course is taught in English and all films have subtitles in English.
This course is cross-listed with DRA 309, HUM 309, and WGS 309.
Prerequisite: ENG 102W or permission of instructor.
This course offers the opportunity to learn about the history and culture of Franco-American New England from sociolinguistic, historical, and literary perspectives. Students will be encouraged to think about cultural identity in general, and to personalize the course by reflecting on their own background and identity.
Prerequisite: ENG 102W OR permission of instructor.
This course offers the opportunity to learn more about the history of France, as well as contemporary French culture. We will discuss major events as well as key personalities throughout history, as well as current events in France today. Particular attention will be paid to cultural differences and how this knowledge can be used to understand our own culture, as well as other cultures.
The face-to-face course on the Augusta campus is being offered with a Zoom option for distance students. Distance students can attend class live via Zoom from home, and must be available to participate on Thursdays from 1:00 – 3:45 pm. Zoom is easy to use and you will be shown how to install and use this program. Please contact the instructor for additional information:
Students will explore the historical and aesthetic evolution of Francophone literature.
In the past, we have read works from North Africa (Algeria), the Caribbean (Guadeloupe and Martinique), and North America (Canada). The class will examine the socio-political framework of colonization and decolonization for each work as well as a variety of literary traditions.
This course is taught in English.
Prerequisite: ENG 102W or permission of instructor.