Explore these tabs to learn more about UMA’s Information & Library Science program.

Degree Offerings

UMA’s unique program allows students to enroll for classes and work toward a Certificate, Associate or Bachelor degree. Each of these program offerings build into each other so that students may start with the Certificate, and upon completion then work toward the Associates, and then the Bachelor’s applying their classes toward the next level.

Students may begin taking ILS courses before applying to the university. In fact, if a student has never taken an online course, we recommend they take a couple of courses before applying to make sure that the student can be successful in an online environment.

The ILS Certificate Program provides course work that offers the practical skills for entry-level employment as support staff in information centers and libraries (academic, special, school, and public) working for professional librarians. This certificate program also offers persons with previously earned college-level courses the knowledge to work as a paraprofessional in a library/information center.

This ILS Associate Degree Program prepares individuals for immediate entry into positions which support library and information service professionals; to upgrade skills of staff who are presently working in school, public, academic, and special libraries and in other information-intensive positions and organizations. The program will prepare students for a career as a library and information services assistant. Students will examine policies and issues related to libraries, library careers, and the library profession.

Degree Requirements

The Associate of Science is 64 hours of credit work to include the following requirements.

The Bachelor of Science in Information and Library Science provides students an opportunity to develop technological skills, attain a broad liberal arts education, and increase creative and critical thinking abilities for employment in libraries and information centers. It is the natural extension of the Associate of Science in ILS offered by UMA. Students with the Bachelor’s degree will be prepared to enter the field of library and information technology as specialized paraprofessionals, able to work independently in many employment settings. Library support staff and technicians currently employed in school and public libraries can advance themselves professionally and fiscally by pursuing the B.S. in ILS. The B.S. degree also prepares students for further study in Information and Library Science at the Graduate level.

Entrance Requirements

To be admitted to the Bachelor of Science degree, either Option 1 or Option 2 must be met. If neither is possible, all students will follow Option 3.

  • Option 1: successful completion of 30 credits from an accredited institution with a GPA of at least 2.50
  • Option 2: SATs of 1,000 combined points
  • Option 3: Students who do not meet either of the first two criteria will be required to enter into the A.S. degree program. After successfully completing 30 credits, students may transfer into the B.S. degree.

Degree Requirements

The Bachelor of Science is 120 hours of credit work to include the following program requirements.

Additionally, as part of the ILS 499 Senior Capstone Course, students are required to do an internship consisting of 120 hours on-site at a library under the supervision of an MLS librarian. While many of our students have extensive backgrounds in ILS, the internship is still required and many students find this a great opportunity to explore a new area of library science they have not been able to experience.

Students are encouraged to contact the coordinator for additional information.

Department Policies

The ILS program faculty have approved and reviewed the following policies (2016, 2023).

Internet Access for Students

Access to the internet is required in ALL Information Library Service classes; high-speed internet access is STRONGLY recommended. Students are expected to have daily access via a computer to the internet and email, in order to access class, receive updates, additions and obtain other course-related information. All students at UMA are required to obtain an @maine.edu email account and to check it regularly for official university communications. Help on email accounts can be found at mail.maine.edu

Student Employability and Volunteering

Formal or informal experience (volunteering) in a library information agency is extremely important in the ILS field. All students who have not worked in a library should consider volunteering not only to reinforce their classroom learning but also to network and to gain practical experience in the field or specialty area they plan to work in. This will especially help students prepare for their senior capstone requirement of 60/AS or 120 BS hours on site in a library. The ILS Program collects and shares some information from local organizations looking for ILS volunteers or willing to be hosts for Senior Capstone ILS 299/499 opportunities. Please contact your ILS Faculty for additional information.

ILS Program Course Grade Requirements

As noted on the ILS program checksheets, ILS students must achieve a 2.0 overall GPA for ALL ILS program requirements and each ILS class must be passed with C (2.0) or higher. This means that an ILS student earning a grade of C- or lower for an ILS class must re-take that course to earn ILS program credit.

Assessment of Prior Learning (portfolio for credit)

Students can earn credit for some of our introductory classes (100-level)through a portfolio process. The portfolio information is available online. To pursue this, students must contact advising at 207 621-3149 or 1-888-UMA-1234 and ask for extension 3149. It is also important to talk with Jodi Kosakowski, ILS Program Coordinator. Knowing the employment history of a student can assist in determining what classes might be the best for demonstrating proficiency through the portfolio process. Typically, this process is only recommended for students who have worked full-time in libraries for 5+ years.

Special needs

If you need special accommodations and have NOT spoken with our Student Success folk, please contact them: Learning Support Services. Any student with long-term or short-term special needs should first contact Learning Support Services after reviewing accommodation information.

APA Citation Format

It is expected that students will use the APA format for citing resources in their papers. Research and writing guidelines can be found at the following sites or refer to the APA manual:

  • APA Sample Documentation/OWL Online Writing Lab The field of Library and Information Science predominantly uses the APA (American Psychological Association) citation style. Therefore that will be the style for all papers submitted for course work. The APA Publication Manual is available from most bookstores. This website contains some examples of APA style references.

Incomplete Policy

A student may initiate a request for an incomplete grade in the event that extenuating circumstances (documentation may be required) prevents completion of the course. Assignment of the incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor. The following criteria must be met before an incomplete grade will be assigned. Exceptions may be made through the sole discretion of the faculty member.

Students must have initial permission from their instructor BEFORE this form is filled out. (Some language and text borrowed from South Central Incomplete Policy 2011, ILS Faculty approved November 2011-rev., 1.6.21, revised & updated 6.3.24)

Students receiving Federal Financial Aid must check with UMA Financial Aid to determine if an INC grade will impact their financial aid award for the following semester. Please contact UMAFA@maine.edu before considering an incomplete.

Incomplete Requirements:

  • The student has attended a majority of course meetings and completed a majority of the coursework requirements (approximately 75%).
  • The student must be passing the course at the time of the incomplete request.
  • The student should not have other outstanding incomplete grades.

Incomplete Agreement:

  • All remaining work must be completed by a date mutually agreed upon by the student and the instructor (the due date may only be revised with explicit permission of the instructor).
  • If the remaining work is not completed at the conclusion of the agreed upon date, the “I” reverts to the grade of “F.” 
  • Work should be submitted at least 2 weeks PRIOR to the due date noted on this agreement. (The due date on this INC is when the grade in MaineStreet will change to an “F.”)
  • The student accepts responsibility for following up with the instructor when work is submitted.
  • The student understand that work submitted after a class has ended may not robust or extensive feedback after the semester has ended.
  • The request for incomplete must be submitted via this form and approved by the instructor and the student, and a copy submitted to the ILS Office (electronic signatures/submission acceptable).
  • The student shall NOT re-register for the course while completing the remaining work.
  • Any changes to this agreement (e.g. extension of due date) must be submitted on a subsequent form and in writing to the original course instructor (email is acceptable).
  • In rare exceptions and at the sole discretion of the faculty member, a grade to date may be submitted in lieu of the “F.”

Incomplete Form: Request is due at least two weeks prior to the course completion date, or as per instructor’s policies.

ILS Course Grade Requirement

As noted on the ILS program checksheets, ILS students must pass all ILS courses with a C (2.0) or higher. This means that an ILS student earning a grade of C- or lower must re-take that course to earn ILS program credit.

ILS Program Consistent Grading Scale

All UMA ILS courses use the following point scale for calculating final letter grades: effective Spring 2013.

Letter GradeGrade Point Averages*ILS Grading Scale
L0.00Stopped attending
WF0.00Withdrew failing

Please see additional UMA grading policies.

Any questions about any ILS department policies should be addressed to Dr. J Kosakowski at lnitcoord@maine.edu

Senior Capstone

While many of our students have experience working in various library and information agency settings, we believe that building upon that experience through a capstone experience is essential in helping our students continue to be the best information professionals. Our students demonstrate, in their capstone experiences, that it truly is what you DO with your education that matters.

ILS students undertake internships that

  • compliment and combine their backgrounds,
  • challenge and expand their skill sets, and
  • test and expound upon their knowledge.

From small and large local public libraries around Maine (Portland Public Library, Maine State Library, Kennebec Historical Society, Colby College) and the US, to large unique academic and specialized libraries(The National Archives, PBS, US Naval Academy, New York Times), our ILS students are doing it all! UMA students have even interned internationally in England, Pohnpei, St. Kitts, and West Africa.

“As part of my capstone project, I wrote a grant for the school library where I interned. We found out the grant was funded and received $25,000 to support the library. It would not have even been possible without the support from the ILS faculty, and UMA.”

-Annette T., Class of ’22

Students in the ILS program are required to complete either a practicum or internship (AS/BS) or an advanced research project (BS only). Both of these options have strict guidelines in order to qualify for one or the other and for their successful completion (see below). As the ILS program is available to students around the United States and Internationally, our students typically complete the Senior Capstone course right within their local community. This experience and successful completion of the course is an opportunity for students to demonstrate to the ILS Faculty and to UMA they have earned the honor of graduating from the ILS program and met the degree requirements at the University of Maine at Augusta. MOST importantly, it is an opportunity to learn with various local library & information science professionals and in turn, an opportunity for a student to share their ILS skills and knowledge in a practical, meaningful way through service learning experiences.


AS in ILSILS 29980 hours on-site.Required.
BS in ILSILS 499Practicum 120 hours on-site.Required, if student has less than 10 years full-time working experience in a library information agency.
BS in ILSILS 499Advanced Research 40 page original research paper & presentation.Optional if a student has taken ILS 299 or has 10+ years working full-time in a library information agency setting (documentation may be required).
BS in ILSILS 499Hybrid 60 hours on-site, 20 page accompanying research paper.Optional, if a student has taken ILS 299 or has 10+ years working full-time in a library information agency setting (documentation may be required).

The experience, the supervisor evaluation, and the demonstration of the skills you have learned from your ILS and general education requirements, shared as a portfolio are typically evaluated by members of the ILS Faculty, shared with the Dean, and an MLS-Degreed Librarian in the field.

Forms and Resources for Getting Started

Students should contact the Capstone Course Coordinator listed in the MaineStreet courseguide.

Students MUST contact the Capstone Course Instructor before their prospective site supervisor meeting.


These forms can be used for both the 299 and the 499. The primary difference between the two practicums is the number of required experiential hours AS=80 BS=120 hours onsite.

  • Other required forms will be available in the semester BrightSpace course. 
  • Contact Jodi or your Capstone Instructor for additional semester information.

Information updated 12/28/23

Graduates of Library and Information Services programs should be able to:

To provide students with competencies necessary to perform effectively, both in a supporting role and independently within library and information service settings, in the following areas:

  1. Demonstrated Knowledge of Foundational Principles
  2. Selecting and Evaluating Information
  3. Organizing Representing Different Forms of Information
  4. Analyzing & Responding to Information Inquiries
  5. Teaching about Information & Related Sources
  6. Managing Information and Services
  7. Assessing and Using Technology
  8. Engaging & Advocating in the Community

To enable students to attain a broad liberal arts education and prepare them to continue their education in a variety of fields by requiring courses and reinforcing those core skills and competencies in the following areas:

  1. Writing skills in multiple media and formats
  2. Oral and written communication skills.
  3. Quantitative skills, stressing mathematical foundations and use of logic.
  4. Scientific inquiry, understanding the natural world through systematic observations and analytic reasoning.
  5. Social Sciences with a focus upon social behavior
  6. Humanities, including history, philosophy and literature
  7. Fine arts, recognition, understanding, and appreciation of the arts
  8. Interdisciplinary approach to critical thinking and writing
  9. Information and computer literacy.

(These outcomes are elaborated and broken out further for both the AS and BS, please contact the ILS coordinator for more information.)

*Students enrolled in an academic program which requires an internship as a part of the curriculum requirements must know that certain states do not allow students enrolled in an out-of-state university to participate in an internship within their state borders. If you reside outside the State of Maine, or wish to do an internship outside of Maine, please contact your faculty advisor or the UMA Advising Office to be sure that your state of domicile allows you to perform an internship sponsored by UMA, or your program has an alternate capstone option. The list of reciprocal states changes frequently. It is incumbent upon students to understand their home state’s policies as UMA must work within the legal framework of that states’ regulations.