26% <18 years old 27% 18-24 years old 47% 25+ years old
0%<18 years old 24% 18-24 years old 76% 25+ years old
2% <18 years old 14% 18-24 years old 84% 25+ years old
Veteran/Active Military
5% self-identified
5% self-identified
6% self-identified
92% In-state 8% Out of State 1% International
95% In-state 5% Out of State 1% International
100% In-state 0% Out of State 0% International
Enrollment Status
68% part-time 32% full-time
60% part-time 40% full-time
88% part-time 12% full-time
Academic Year 2022-2023 Student Profiles
Comparison Category
UMA Student Profile (N=5779)
MHHS BS Student Profile (N=412)
MHHS AS Student Profile (N=70)
MHHS Grad Cert (N=10)
First Generation
Financial Aid Recipient
Pell Grant Recipient
34% First-Time 48% Transfer Students 16% Readmit Students
26% First-Time 52% Transfer Students 22% Readmit Students
52% First-Time 28% Transfer Students 20% Readmit Students
100% Graduate Admit
Comparison between program and university
Our program tends more female, whiter, and older, with 76-84% being over the age of 25. Our MHHS associate’s degree has significantly more part-time students (88%) than the average across of all UMA.
Data reflects AY 2022-2023, compiled by L.M. and summarized by W.S. 06.21.23
The purpose of the MHHS program Advisory Board is to be the “ears and eyes” in the field, to welcome professional wisdom for program enhancements, to bridge the gap between academia and workforce development, to advise on program development, and to participate in the accreditation process.
Advisory Board Members
Lisa BullardDHHS Office of Child & Family Services (OCFS) – Recruiter for DHHS/OCFS
Karen DowSweetser – Manager of Volunteer Services and Internships
Dr. Deborah DrewHusson University-Director of Graduate Programs in Counseling
Jacke Hicks Current UMA Mental Health and Human Services Bachelor’s degree
Amanda KinseyCapitol Clubhouse-Director – Kennebec Behavioral Health (KBH)
Dr. Kim LaneUMA Professor of Mental Health & Human Services
Lisa MartinHuman Resources Manager – WINGS
Nora Morse Director of Best Practices – Spurwink
Dr. Wendy St. PierreUMA Assistant Professor of Mental Health and Human Services & Academic Coordinator
Elizabeth WrightDirector of Youth Education NAMI – Maine, UMA MHHS Alumni