We provide academic tutoring to help students get a solid grasp on course material

Tutoring is intended to help students increase their understanding of course material, and improve their learning and study skills. Tutoring is available for most developmental and introductory courses as well as some upper-level courses. It is provided in individual or small group settings by qualified community or peer tutors.

Many content tutors have taken your class and can help you with specific questions regarding concepts and projects, and help you study for exams.

Tutoring is intended as a supplement to classroom instruction and is not a substitute replacement for regular attendance and participation in your classes.

UMA’s Statewide Tutoring Resources

Augusta Campus Tutoring Schedule

Tutoring begins the second week of each semester and continues to the last week of classes. We do not tutor during finals week. Come see us!

Tutor Lab on the Augusta Campus

Katz Library, Room 210 | 621-3066

To connect with a Math tutor via zoom, or to inquire about tutoring in other subjects, please contact our Interim Tutor Coordinator, Wendy Rolfe at wendy.rolfe@maine.edu.