- Students are encouraged to attend Convocation whether or not they are Rising Scholars.
- Students may sit in any unreserved seating section.
- If a student has been nominated as a Rising Scholar this year or is a Returning Rising Scholar from a previous year there are special seating arrangements and instructions.
This Year’s Rising Scholars
Congratulations! If you have received special notification by email, then you are a 2024 Rising Scholar.
As a Rising Scholar, UMA President Cushman and Provost Szakas look forward to recognizing you during UMA’s September 20th Convocation. If you have not yet sent in your RSVP to attend Convocation, we encourage you to click here to do so immediately.
We plan to honor Rising Scholars in a couple of ways during Convocation, including having all 2024 Rising Scholars participate in the Processional that begins the ceremony. During the Processional, each Rising Scholar will march into the ceremony alongside a faculty member. Rising Scholars will then sit together in a special section adjacent to the faculty section.
All Rising Scholars attending Convocation, therefore, must report to the event location no later than 2:30 PM. At that time, line up for the Convocation processional will begin and last-minute “marching orders” will be given. Convocation will begin promptly at 3:00 p.m.
If you have family, friends, or guests attending Convocation – and we hope you do – they should take their seats and await the 3:00 start.
Some other things to note:
During Convocation, this year’s Rising Scholars will be individually recognized by Provost Szakas, will participate in the Recessional, and receive a special certificate signed by President Cushman.
As a Rising Scholar, you are encouraged to wear either business dress or business casual attire at Convocation. While there is no formal dress code, jeans and t-shirts are discouraged.
If you have any questions, contact Carol Bean at 207.621.3438.
Again, our congratulations!
Returning Rising Scholars
If you were selected as a Rising Scholar at UMA in the past, you are invited to attend Convocation on September 20th as a returning Rising Scholar as a special guest of the University.
Returning Rising Scholars will be seated in a special reserved section. While only Rising Scholars nominated for this academic year will participate in the processional, President Cushman intends to recognize returning Rising Scholars as a group during Convocation.
If you have not yet sent in your RSVP to attend Convocation, please do so now.
When you arrive at Convocation, please be sure to tell an usher you are a returning Rising Scholar. They will escort you to the Rising Scholar reserved seating section.
If you have family, friends, or guests attending Convocation – and we hope you do – they will be seated in an adjacent seating area.
Some other things to note:
As a Rising Scholar, you are encouraged to wear either business dress or business casual attire at Convocation. While there is no formal dress code, jeans and t-shirts are discouraged.
If you have any questions, contact Carol Bean at 207.621.3438.
Convocation Reception
There will be a reception with light refreshments immediately following the ceremony at the event location. Please join faculty, staff, guests, and your fellow Rising Scholars in this celebration.