Jeff Rojo

Jeff Rojo

Artist Faculty

Classical Guitar, Jazz Guitar, Folk Ensemble

Staff Placeholder

Mark Rolfe

Part-Time Faculty

wendy rolfe

Wendy Rolfe

Tutoring Coordinator & Student Support Specialist

Sharon Ross

Sharon Ross

Adjunct Instructor

Zachary Roth

Zachary Roth

Assistant Professor of Psychology

Attitudes; Intergroup Relations; Stereotyping and Prejudice; Psychology of Religion

Deb Rountree

Debora Rountree

UMA East Millinocket Center Director

Valerie Rubinsky

Valerie Rubinsky

Assistant Professor of Communication

Interpersonal Communication; Intimate Relationships; Health Communication; Intergroup Communication.

Megan Salois

Megan Salois

Lecturer I, Part-Time

David Samuelian

David J. Samuelian

Professor of Mental Health and Human Services, MHHS Program Coordinator (Bangor)

Staff Placeholder

C. Michael Sandberg

Adjunct Professor of Education

Early Childhood Education

Staff Placeholder

Jamie Santiago

Director of Financial Aid