Anastasia Weigle

Anastasia Weigle

Associate Professor of Information and Library Science

Telephone 207 621 3102

Anastasia has a diverse background in archives management in museums, historical societies, and libraries. Anastasia’s research interests are in materials experience as information gathering, particularly for users in the studio arts and material culture. When she is not teaching, she runs a small bookbinding studio (In A Bind) as a book conservator, bookbinder, and artist. Her works have shown in Maine, New Hampshire, Iowa, Chicago and Pennsylvania. Anastasia’s memberships include the College Book Arts Association, Art Libraries of North America, New England Archivist, and Maine Archives and Museums. In 2016, she published in The Journal of Contemporary Archival Studies and in the following books, Preserving local writers, genealogy, photographs, newspapers, and related materials (2012, Scarecrow Press), Genealogy and the Librarian: Perspectives on Research, Instruction, Outreach and Management (McFarland, 2018), and most recently published a chapter in Creativity and Personal Growth for Librarians (McFarland, 2019).


Ph.D., Simmons University, 2019.
M.S.L.I.S. Simmons College, 1998.
SUNY Empire State College, Natural Science Illustration, Minor: Museum Studies, 1995.
SUNY Empire State College, A.S. Science and Mathematics, 1993.