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Digital Badges: What are they and why should I care?

University of Maine at Augusta

Register here: https://maine.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAscuGqpzgrGdEJZGhjMfIHKptQGlB0BHML#/registration

Digital credentials are a new way to recognize achievements and reward learning. They are small, digital images that can be displayed in a variety of professional settings. Badges help articulate workforce skills. Check them out.

This session is part of the Library’s Hack the Semester: A Series for School, Work, and Life. We will be hosting workshops regularly throughout the semester. All UMA students, staff, and faculty are welcome! Registration is required in advance or upon entry to receive the Zoom link.

This event is for UMA students, faculty, and staff only (not open to the general public). FMI: Donna Maher, Reference & Instruction Librarian, donna.maher@maine.edu 


April 17, 2024
6:30 pm - 7:30 pm
