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Specter Moose Literary and Art Magazine 1st Meeting
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://maine.zoom.us/j/89607620758?pwd=dHlWdDBPOHgvNGtKSitpY2svbkg5QT09
Password: 124938
Recruiting current UMA students who are enrolled full- or part-time. Specter Moose Literary and Art Magazine are looking for people with experience in writing, editing, graphic design, social media management, and individuals that want to learn to help create our second issue. Specter Moose Literary and Art Magazine welcomes everyone! Submissions are OPEN!
Visit our website: https://sites.google.com/maine.edu/specter-moose/home
FMI: Noel Tague: noel.tague@maine.edu ; Alicia Bell: alicia.bell@maine.edu