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Student Trip: Maine Renaissance Faire

University of Maine at Augusta

The Bangor Student Government Association is providing admission and transportation for UMA students (plus one guest) to attend the Maine Renaissance Fair in Acton, Maine on July 27th. 

Transportation from Bangor will leave from Eastport hall @ 6:30 am. Transportation from Augusta leave Randall Student Center @ 8 am. Anticipated arrival time back will be Augusta 8pm and Bangor 9:30pm. 

The cost this trip is $5.00 per person. While this does include transportation cost you are not required to use what is provided. 

To register for a chance to attend event please out this form and submit no later then June 28th. Payment of deposit must be received by July 19th.

Fill out the form if interested: https://forms.gle/wAFSfMC9iaDMba1BA

FMI: Mandy McCann: mandy.mccann@maine.edu


July 27, 2024
6:30 am - 9:00 pm