Justice Studies offers students interested in law enforcement at the federal, state or local level, security (tangible or virtual), corrections and/or probation, investigations of tangible or cyber crime, or the law—as lawyer or paralegal—the opportunity to acquire an academic foundation for all law-related fields and a credential in one or two specialties.
UMA’s Justice Studies program offers a bachelor’s degree and an associate degree as well as Certificates in Paralegal Studies, Community Policing, Forensics, and more. UMA and University of Maine Law School offer a joint accelerated 3+3 program for UMA students interested in pursuing a legal career.
In collaboration with the Business Administration Program, JUS offers a minor and certificate in Fraud Examination, which enables the student to sit for the national fraud exam; and in collaboration with the Computer Information Systems Program, an Information Security Certificate, which prepares the student to work in cyber-security.
The program also offers an Advocacy Minor for students to research, present, and defend their cause in any law-related forum—court, legislature, and administrative agencies.
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