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BIO 103E Conservation Biology

This course introduces the discipline of Conservation Biology; the scientific study of the maintenance, loss, and restoration of biological diversity. Topics covered will include patterns & causes of biodiversity, population declines & extinction, methods used to restore populations, landscape-level conservation planning, and the role of conservation in protecting ecosystems. The concurrent lab will train students in collection and analysis of field data, as well as identifying local flora and fauna. (4 CR)

Class Number: 82793
Credits: 4
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0400
Dates: 9/2/2025 - 12/19/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Jennifer A Long
Enrollment: 0 of 16 seats
Location: Rockland UMA Center
Instruction Method: Online/Hybrid/Blended
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Class Number: 82794
Credits: 4
Class Component: Laboratory
Section: 0401
Dates: 9/2/2025 - 12/19/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Jennifer A Long
Enrollment: 0 of 16 seats
Location: Rockland UMA Center
Instruction Method: Blended/Blended (Online & On site)
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BIO 110 General Biology I

Examines the underlying unity of all living things at the molecular and cellular level. Topics include the chemical composition of living matter, cellular organization, metabolism, classic and molecular genetics, and evolution. Prerequisite: Recent chemistry course highly recommended. ENG100 and MAT9 or appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test. 4 CR

Class Number: 82791
Credits: 4
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0400
Dates: 9/2/2025 - 12/19/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Marta Frisardi
Enrollment: 0 of 16 seats
Location: Rockland UMA Center
Instruction Method: Online/Hybrid/Blended
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Class Number: 82792
Credits: 4
Class Component: Laboratory
Section: 0401
Dates: 9/2/2025 - 12/19/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Marta Frisardi
Enrollment: 0 of 16 seats
Location: Rockland UMA Center
Instruction Method: Blended/Hybrid/Blended
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COM 102 Interpersonal Communication

Concerned with verbal and nonverbal communication that takes place among individuals during interpersonal interaction. Typical areas of concern are perceiving others, presenting one's self, conversation and barriers to communication. Activities may include games, exercises and role playing

Class Number: 83331
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0400
Dates: 9/2/2025 - 12/19/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Stephen M Moro
Enrollment: 0 of 25 seats
Location: Rockland UMA Center
Instruction Method: Blended/Hybrid/Blended
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ENG 101 College Writing

ENG 101 builds upon already acquired high-school level writing skills to prepare you for the more advanced writing that you will do in your college career and beyond. It gives you extensive practice in the writing process, with emphasis on crafting texts appropriate to academic contexts. Prerequisite: Grade of C or better in ENG 100 or appropriate scores on the UMA Placement Test. 3 Credits

Class Number: 80031
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0401
Dates: 9/2/2025 - 12/19/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Audrey L Ennamorati
Enrollment: 0 of 16 seats
Location: Rockland UMA Center
Instruction Method: Onsite/In-Person
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ENG 351W Creative Writing

This workshop-based course focuses on students short stories and poems. Workshops consist of in-class analysis and critique. Revision techniques will be emphasized. Final portfolio required. Prerequisite: ENG 102w

Class Number: 80036
Credits: 3
Class Component: Lecture
Section: 0400
Dates: 9/2/2025 - 12/19/2025
Status: Open
Instructor(s): Ellen Maureen Taylor
Enrollment: 0 of 16 seats
Location: Rockland UMA Center
Instruction Method: Onsite/In-Person
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