Spring 2025
Summer 2025
Fall 2025
Level of Study
Any Undergraduate Graduate Non-Credit
Any *BUS - Business Computer Prof - USM *ENG - English Proficiency - USM *MAT - Math Proficiency - USM ABD - Study Abroad - UM ABU - Associate Business - USM ACC - Accounting - UMM, UM, USM, UMPI ACE - Academic & Career Exploration - UMF ADS - Abilities&Disabilities Studies - USM AED - Art Education - UM, USM AFL - Air Force ROTC - USM AGR - Agricultural Sciences - UMPI AHS - Arts, Humanities & Social Sci - USM AIB - American Inst of Banking - UMA AME - American Studies - UMA, UMM AMS - Applied Medical Sciences - USM ANE - American & New England Studies - USM ANT - Anthropology - All Campuses ANTF - Anthropology - UM AP - Advanced Placement - UMFK, UMPI APL - Advanced Placement - UMA ARA - Arabic - UMA, UM, USM ARC - Architectural Studies - UMA ARH - Art History - UMA, UMF, UM, USM ARP - Academic Recovery Program - UM ARS - Arts and Sciences - USM ART - Art - All Campuses ASL - American Sign Language - UMA, UMM, UM, USM, UMPI AST - Astronomy - UMFK, UMM, UM, USM ASTO - Astronomy - UMA AT - Art - UM ATH - Athletic Training - USM, UMPI AUD - Audio Recording - UMA AVI - Aviation Science - UMA AVS - Animal & Vet Sciences - UM AVT - Aviation Maintenance Technicia - UMA AWY - Away - UM BAN - Business Analytics - USM BAS - Bachelor of Applied Science - UMA BCS - Bachelor of College Studies - UMM, UM BEH - Behavioral Sciences - UMM, UM BEN - Bioengineering - UM BEX - Behavorial Sciences - UM BIO - Biology - All Campuses BIO - Biological Sciences - UM BIOO - Biology - UMA BIS - Business Information Systems - UM BLE - Biological Engineering - UM BMB - Biochem & Molecular Biology - UM BMS - Biomedical Sciences - UM BPH - Public Health - USM BT - Botany - UM BUA - Business Administration - UMA, UM BUA - Business Administration (UMA) - UMM BUAA - Business Administration - UM BUS - Business - UMF, UMFK, UMM, USM, UMPI BUS - Busines Management - UM BUSI - Business - UMF BUSO - Business - Univer of Maine - UM CAN - Canadian Studies - UM CEC - Education Counseling - UM CET - Construction Engineering Techn - UM CEU - Continuing Education Units - UMPI CH - Chemistry - UM CHB - Chem & Bio Engineering - UM CHE - Chemical Engineering - UM CHF - Child Dev & Family Rel - UM CHI - Foreign Language - Chinese - UMA CHI - Chinese - UMF, UMM, UM, USM, UMPI CHY - Chemistry - All Campuses CIE - Civil & Environmental Egr - UM CIS - Computer Information Systems - UMA CIS - Computer Information Systems - - UM CISA - Computer Info Systems-UMA - UMM, UM CLA - Classics - UM, USM CLE - Conservation Law Enforcement - UMFK CMJ - Communication & Journalism - UM CMS - Communication & Media Studies - USM CMY - Community Studies - UMM, UM CNB - Cannabis Studies - UMA COE - Cooperative Education - UMA, UMM, UM, UMPI COL - College Experience - UMA COM - Communications - UMA COM - Communication - UMFK, USM, UMPI CON - College of Nursing - USM COR - Core Curriculum - USM COS - Computer Science - UMF, UMFK, UM, USM, UMPI CPD - Community Planning & Develop - USM CRJ - Criminal Justice - UMFK, UMM, UM, UMPI CRM - Criminology - USM CRW - Creative Writing - USM CS-I - Community Services-Innovation - UMM CSD - Comm & Sci Disorders - UM CSE - Computer Studies - UMM, UM CYB - Cybersecurity - UMA, USM CYBP - Cybersecurity - UMA DAN - Dance - UMA, UMM, UM, USM DEA - Dental Assisting - Bangor - UMA DEH - Dental Hygiene - UMA DEI - Diversity Equity Inclusion - UMPI DIG - Digital Curation - UM DIS - Disability Studies - UM DMA - Digital Marketing Analysis - USM DRA - Dramatic Arts - UMA DSC - Data Science - UMA DSE - Data Science and Engineering - UM EAD - Education Administration - UM ECE - Elect & Comp Engineering - UM ECE - Early Childhood Education - USM ECEF - Early Childhood Education - UM ECH - Early Childhood Education - UMF ECO - Economics - All Campuses ECOA - Economics - UM ECOO - Economics - UM ECP - Engineering Communication Proj - UM ECS - Early Childhood Special Ed - UMF ECY - Ecology - UMPI ED - Education - UM EDB - Education Basic Professional - UM EDRF - Education Reading - UM EDT - Education Telecommunications - UM EDU - Education - All Campuses EDUI - Education - UMPI Pathway - UMA EDUI - Education/UMPI - UMM, UM EDUK - Education - UMFK Pathway - UMA EDUM - Education - UMM Pathway - UMA EDUP - Education - USM Pathway - UMA EDX - Conv Code - UMPI EEL - Education Early Literacy - UM EES - Ecology & Environmental Sci - UM EET - Electrical Engineering Tech - UM EGN - General Engineering - USM EH - English - UM EHD - Education Human Development - UM ELA - Environmental Liberal Arts - UMM, UM ELE - Electrical Engineering - USM ELH - Earth, LIfe and Health - UM ELL - Education Language Learning - UM EMA - Education Mathematics - UMF, UM ENG - English - All Campuses ENGA - English UMA - UMF ENGA - English - UM ENGK - English - UM ENM - Engineering Management - UM ENR - Enrichment - UMPI ENS - Environmental Science - UMA ENT - Entrepreneurial Leadership - USM ENV - Environmental Science - UMF ENV - Environmental Studies - UMFK, UMM, UM, UMPI EPA - Education Professional Devel - USM EPB - Education Professional Develop - USM EPC - Education Professional Develop - USM EPD - Education Professional Develop - USM EPP - Environmental Policy & Plan - UMF EPS - Education Professional Develop - USM ERL - Education Literacy - UM ERR - Education Reading Recovery - UM ERS - Earth and Climate Sciences - UM ESC - Education Science - UM ESH - Environmental Science & Health - USM ESL - English as Second Language - USM ESP - Environmental Science & Policy - USM ESS - Education Social Studies - UM EXS - Exercise Science - UMPI EYE - Entry Year Experience - USM FAS - Franco American Studies - UM FIA - Interdisciplinary Fine Arts - UMM, UM FIN - Finance - UM FIN - Accounting and Finance - USM FLE - Foreign Language Education - USM FND - Foundations Seminar - UM FOC - Forensic Science - UMA FOL - Foreign Language - UMA, UMF FOL - Foreign Languages - UMM, UM FOR - Forestry - UMFK FR - French - UM FRE - French - All Campuses FREA - French - UMF FRS - Freshman Seminar - USM FSN - Food Science Nutrition - UM FSNO - Food Science & Nutriton - UM FSP - Food Studies Program - USM FYE - First Year Bridging Experience - UMFK FYE - Core Curriculum - USM FYS - First Year Seminar - UMF, UM, UMPI FYS - First-Year Seminar - UMM GDS - Game Design Studies - USM GE - Conv Code - UMF GEE - General Engineering - UM GEL - General Electives - Transfer - UMA GEL - General Elective - UMFK, USM, UMPI GEL - General elective - UMM GEL - General Transfer Courses - UM GEN - Block Credit - USM GEO - Geography - All Campuses GEOP - Geography - USM Course - UM GER - German - UMA, UM, USM GER - Gerontology - UMPI GEY - Geology - All Campuses GEY - Transfer - UM GIS - Geographic Information Systems - UMA, UMFK, UMM, UM GOV - Government - UMFK GOVK - Government - UM GRD - Graduate School - UM GRE - Greek - UMA, USM GRN - Gerontology - UM, USM GRR - Graduate Readings - UM GRS - Graduate Studies - Thesis - USM GYA - Geography/Anthropology - USM HBR - Hebrew - UM HCD - Human Centered Design - UM HCE - Human Resources-Counseling Ed - USM HCEX - Human Resources Counseling Ed - USM HCI - Human Computer Interaction - UM HE - Home Economics - UM HEA - Health - UMF, UMM HEA - Transfer - UM HEA - Health Administration - UMPI HEAF - Health AdminUMF - UMPI HEB - Hebrew - UMA HED - Education Higher Education - UM HGH - Holocst, Genocd, & Hum Rghts - UMA HIH - Holistic & Integrative Health - USM HLT - Health - UMFK HON - Honors - All Campuses HON - Academic Honors Program - USM HPM - Health Policy & Management - USM HPR - Health, PE and Recreation - UMPI HRD - Human Resource Development - USM HRDX - Human Resources Development - USM HTI - Human Technology Interfaces - UM HTY - History - All Campuses HUD - HUD - UMA HUD - Human Development - UM HUM - Humanities - All Campuses HUMA - Humanities UMA - UMF HUMO - Humanities - UM HUS - Human Services - UMA HY - History - UM ICD - Innovative Comm Design - UM IDE - Industrial Engineering - USM IDS - Interdisciplinary Studies - UM IEI - Intensive English Institute - UM IEN - Integrated Engineering - UM IFY - International First Year - UM ILS - Library Information Science - UMA IMD - Intermedia - UM INA - International Affairs - UM IND - Independent Studies - UMA IND - Independent Study - UMM, UM INS - International Studies - UMF, USM INT - Interdisciplinary Studies - UMA, UMM, UM INT - Interdepartmental Studies - UMF INV - Innovation Engineering - UMA, UMM, UM INV - Innovations - UMPI ISS - Information Systems Security - UMA ITA - Italian - UMA, UMM, USM ITC - Construction Management - USM ITP - Industrial Technology Profess - USM ITS - Industrial Technology Safety - USM ITT - Industrial Technology Technic - USM JPN - Japanese - UMA, UMF, USM JST - Judaic Studies - UM JUS - Justice Studies - UMA KOR - Korean Language - UMA KPE - Kinesiology & Phys Educ - UM LAC - Collegiate Studies - USM LAE - Lewiston Auburn Education - USM LAN - Languages 1 - UMA LAN - Languages I - USM LAS - Liberal Arts & Sciences - UM LAT - Latin - UMA, UMM, UM, USM LATP - Latin - UMPI LAW - Law - USM LAWP - LAW - UM LBR - Library - UM LCC - Lewiston College Core - USM LDR - Leadership Studies - UM LIA - Liberal Arts - UMF LIN - Linguistic - USM LIT - Literature - UM LMS - Library and Media Specialist - UM LOS - Leadership & Organizational St - USM LOSP - Leadrshp & Organ Studies - USM - UMA LSC - Learning Skills - Commun - UM LSH - Liberal Studies in Humanities - USM LST - Labor Studies - UM MAN - Management - UMM, UM MAOL - Organizational Leadership - UMPI MAR - Marketing - UMM, UM MAT - Mathematics - All Campuses MATA - Mathematics - UM MATP - Mathematics-USM - UM MBA - Master of Business Admin - UM MBA - Master In Business Admin - USM MEE - Mechanical Engineering - UM, USM MEP - Maine Engineering Pathways - UMA, UMF, UMM, UM MEPA - Maine Engineering Pathways - UMM, UM MES - Maine Studies - UM MET - Mechanical Engineering Tech - UM MGT - Management - UM MHR - Mental Health Rehabilitation - UMM, UM MIS - Military Science - USM MKT - Marketing - UM MLC - Modern Languages & Classics - UM MLS - Medical Laboratory Science - UMA MLT - Medical Laboratory Technology - UMA, UMPI MLTA - Medical Lab Tech - UMA - UMFK MME - Mathematics Education - USM MMS - Master's in Manufacturing Syst - USM MOS - Management & Organizational St - USM MPH - Public Health - UM, USM MPHP - Public Health - UM MSC - Mathematics/Science - UMFK MSE - Museum Education - UM MSL - Military Science & Leadership - UM MSY - Microcomputer Systems - UM MTK - Music Technology - UMA MTR - Meteorology - UMM, UM MTRM - Meteorology - UMA MUE - Music Education - UM, USM MUH - Music History - UMA, UMF, UM, USM MUL - Music Literature - UM MUO - Music Organizations & Ensemble - UM MUP - Music Performance Techniques - UM MUP - Music Performance - USM MUS - Music - All Campuses MUSK - Music Department Fort Kent - UM MUSO - Music - Univ Of Maine - UM MUT - Music Theory - USM MUY - Music Theory - UM NAS - Native American Studies - UMM, UM NASO - Native American Studies - UM NAV - Naval Science - UM NBS - Natural and Behavioral Science - UMFK NEL - Non-English Language - UMFK NFA - Natural Sci Forestry & Agric - UM NFS - Nutrition & Food Sciences - UMA NMD - New Media - UMM, UM NOR - Arctic Studies - UMFK NUR - Nursing - UMA, UMFK, UM, USM, UMPI OLL - Osher Life Long Learning - USM OLS - Organizational Leadership - UMPI OPR - Operations Research - USM OTH - Directed Study - Other Depts - UMFK OTH - Occupational Therapy - USM PAS - Passamaquoddy Language - UMM PAX - Peace & Reconciliation Stdys - UM PCJ - Profess Commun & Journalism - UMPI PDS - Professional Development - USM PE - Physical Education - UM PEC - Physical Education Coaching - UMF PEND - Pending Further Evaluation - T - UM PHE - Physical Education - All Campuses PHEI - Physical Education - UMF PHI - Philosophy - All Campuses PHIF - Philosophy - UMA PHO - Photography - UMA, UMFK PHS - Physical Science - UMFK PHY - Sciences - Physics - UMA PHY - Physics - All Campuses PLCE - Prior Learning Credit Eligible - UM PMD - Professional Management - UMFK PMP - Pre-Masters Program - UM POP - Pop-up Courses - USM POR - Portuguese - UMA POR - Portugese - USM POS - Political Science - All Campuses POSA - Political Science - UM POSO - Political Science - UM PPA - Pulp & Paper - UM PPM - Policy, Planning, and Mgmt - UM PPM - Policy, Planning, and Manageme - USM PPMP - Policy, Planning, and Mgmt - UM PRO - Professional Development - UMA PSA - Public Safety Administration - UMFK PSE - Plant, Soil & Environ Sci - UM PSY - Psychology - All Campuses PSYA - Psychology - UM PSYI - Psychology - UMPI - UMFK PSYK - Psychology - UMFK - UMPI PTA - Physical Therapy Assistant - UMPI PY - Psychology - UM QUS - Quaternary Studies - UM RCE - Race and Ethnic Studies - USM REA - Reading - UMA REC - Recreation & Leisure Studies - UMA REC - Recreation - UMF, UM, USM, UMPI RECI - Recreation - UMF REH - Rehabilitation - UMF REHF - Rehabilitation - UMF - UMA REL - Religion - UMA, UMF REL - Religion Studies - USM REM - Recreation Management - UMM, UM RHF - Recreation, Health & Fitness - USM RLE - Research Learning Experience - UM, UMPI RMI - Risk Management and Insurance - USM ROU - Roux Inst - Northeastern Univ - UM RSP - Russell Scholars Program - USM RUS - Foreign Language - Russian - UMA RUS - Russian - UMM, USM, UMPI SAR - Students at Risk - UM SBS - Social & Behavioral Sciences - USM SCI - Sciences - UMA SCI - Science - UMF, UM, UMPI SCI - Natural Science - USM SDM - Self Designed Major - USM SED - Special Education - UMA, UMF, UMM, USM, UMPI SED - Education Special Education - UM SEDA - Special Education - UMA - UMPI SEDF - Ed-Special - UM SEDI - Special Education - UMA SEDK - Special Education - UMFK Pathw - UMA SEDM - Special Ed - UMM Pathway - UMA SEDM - Special Education - UMM - UMPI SEI - Special Education Early Interv - UM SES - Secretarial Science - UM SFA - School of Food & Agric - UM SFR - School of Forest Resources - UM SFRO - School of Forest Resources - UMF SH - Speech - UM SHE - School Health Education - UMF SHEF - Curriculum Methods Health Ed - UMPI SIE - Spatial Information Eng - UM SKI - Ski - UMF SMS - Marine Sciences - UM SMT - Science and Math Education - UM SOC - Sociology - All Campuses SOCK - Sociology - UMFK - UMPI SOCP - USM Sociology Dept - UM SOJ - Social Justice - USM SPA - Foreign Language - Spanish - UMA SPA - Spanish - All Campuses SPE - Speech - UMM, UM SPI - School of Policy and Int'l Aff - UM SPM - Sports Medicine - USM SPT - Sports Management - UM SPV - Sound, Performance, Visual - UMF SPY - School Psychology - USM SSC - Social Sciences - UMA, UMM, UM SSC - Social Science - UMFK STA - Statistics - USM STH - Science, Technology and Health - USM STS - Statistics - UM SVT - Surveying Engineering Tech - UM SWK - Social Work - UM, UMPI SWKI - Social Work / UMPI - UMFK SWO - Social Work - USM SY - Sociology - UM TAH - Tourism and Hospitality - USM TAHP - Tourism and Hospitality - UMF TEC - Technology Module - UMF TEM - Trauma-Informed Emergency Mgt - UMA TEMO - Trauma-Informed Emergency - UM - UMA THE - Theater - UMF, UMFK THE - Theatre - UMM, UM, USM THP - Theatre Practicum - UM TME - Technical Math For Engineering - UM UAS - Unmanned Aerial Systems - UMA UGR - Center for Undergrad Research - UM UNV - University Experience - UMPI UPB - Upward Bound - USM USM - Conv Code - USM UST - University Studies - UM USTO - University Studies - UM VID - Video Production - UMM, UM VOX - Critical Language - UM VTE - Veterinary Technology - UMA WAB - Wabanaki Languages - USM WAB - Wabanaki - UMPI WGS - Women & Gender Studies - UMA WGS - Women's, Gender, Sexuality Std - UM WGS - Women and Gender Studies - USM WLE - Wildlife Ecology - UM WRI - Writing - UMM, UM WSM - Winter Sports Management - UMFK WST - Women's Studies - UMF, UMM, UMPI WST - Women and Gender Studies - USM ZO - Zoology - UM
Course Level
100 Level
200 Level
300 Level
400 Level
500 Level
Any Acadia Institute/Oceanography Albion Alfred Ashland Auburn Auburn Augusta - Other Augusta - FFA Augusta - State House Augusta UMA Campus Baileyville Bangor - Delayed Viewing Bangor - Other Bangor UMA Campus Bar Harbor Bar Harbor-Jackson Lab Beals - Downeast Institute Belfast Belgrade Benton Bermuda Berwick Bethel Biddeford Bingham - Delayed Viewing Blue Hill BoothBay Harbor Bradford Brewer Bridgton Bridgton - Delayed Viewing Brunswick Brunswick - MATEC Brunswick UMA Center Bryant Pond Bucksport Calais Calais-Maine Indian Education Camden Canaan Cape Elizabeth Caribou Caribou Caribou - Delayed Viewing Carmel Carrabassett Valley Castine Caswell Charleston Chelsea Cherryfield Cherryfield China Clinton Coastal Wsh Cty Inst of Tech Corinth Cumberland Damariscotta Danforth Danforth - Delayed Viewing Deer Isle Dexter Dixfield Dover-Foxcroft Dover-Foxcroft/Penquis H Ed Ct Downeast Institute Eagle Lake East Machias-WashingtonAcademy East Millinocket - Other East Millinocket UMA Center East Sullivan Easton Eastport Eastport - Delayed Viewing Edmunds Township Ellsworth Ellsworth UMA Center Enfield Etna FHC Off-site Fairfield Falmouth Falmouth - Baxter School Farmingdale Farmington Delayed Viewing Farmington Other Farmington UMF Campus Fort Fairfield Fort Kent Fort Kent UMFK Campus Frenchville Frenchville Fryeburg Gardiner Glenburn Gorham - other Gorham USM Campus Gray Greenville Guilford Hampden Hancock Harrington Harrison Hermon Hiram Hodgdon Houlton Houlton Center Hutchinson Center-Belfast UM Hyde School Island Falls - Delayed Viewing Isle au Haut Islesboro Jack Mountain Bushcraft School Jackman - Delayed Viewing Jay - Spruce Mountain Adult Ed Jonesport Kennebunk Kingfield - Delayed Viewing Kittery Lee Academy Levant Lewiston - Other Lewiston-Auburn USM Campus Limestone Lincoln Lincolnville Lisbon Lisbon Falls - Delayed Viewing Livermore Falls Long Island Lubec - Delayed Viewing MacWorth Island Machias - Other Machias UMM Campus Machiasport Madawaska Madawaska - Delayed Viewing Madison Mars Hill Mexico Millinocket Milo Monhegan Island Monmouth Mount Desert-Delayed Viewing Naples New Gloucester Newcastle Newport Norridgewock North Anson North Berwick North Haven - Delayed Viewing Northern Maine Community Coll Norway Nursing Clinical - Augusta Oak Hill Oakland Off-Campus - Individualized Old Town Online w/some Onsite Orono UM Campus Orono-Other Out-of-State Oxford Perry Peru Pittsfield Pittsfield, Warsaw Middle Sch Pleasant Point Portland - Other Portland USM Campus Presque Isle Presque Isle Presque Isle UMPI Campus Princeton Rangeley Rangeley - Delayed Viewing Readfield Richmond Rockland - Other Rockland UMA Center Rockport Rumford Rumford UMA Center S Berwick - Delayed Viewing Sabattus Saco Saco UMA Center Saint Agatha Salisbury Cove Sanford Sanford High School Scarborough Searsport Shead High School Sherman Station Sidney Skowhegan Delayed Viewing South Paris South Portland Stacyville Standish Steuben Sullivan Sumner Swan's Island Telstar High School Thomaston Thorndike Thornton Topsham Trenton UM Off-site UMFK - RURAL U UMM Off-site USM - Other Union United Kingdom University of Maine Farmington Van Buren - Delayed Viewing Vinalhaven - Delayed Viewing Virtual Education Software Wabanaki Museum Waldoboro Walpole Warren Washburn Washington Washington County Commy Coll Washington D. C. Waterboro Waterville Web w/some Onsite Web/Online Wells West Paris Westbrook Whitefield Windham Winnipeg Winslow Winter Harbor Winthrop - Delayed Viewing Wiscasset Yarmouth York YourPace CBE Partner