Promoting student success and personal development is a priority
We are happy to assist you in selecting your UMA course(s), transferring courses from other colleges or universities, scheduling exams, finding scholarship dollars or applying for financial aid, or just getting acclimated to college life.
Remember, the MyUMA portal is your single sign-on access point to all of your electronic resources at UMA, including MaineStreet, your University email, Brightspace, and other student resources and information.
Student Resources
Have Questions? Have Answers.
Student Services Coordinators (SSC) at the UMA Centers are happy to answer questions about financial aid, admission to a degree program, course schedules, and more. An SSC can help you select courses, locate resources, and ensure you’re on track to graduate.
Katie Ebert
Student Services Coordinator
Program Liaison for: Interdisciplinary Studies
UMA Rockland Center
Phone: (207) 596-6906
Current UMA Students can schedule an appointment with Katie here.
Not yet a UMA student? Schedule an appointment with Katie here.
The UMA Rockland Center offers a New Student Orientation by appointment prior to the start of each semester. All new and transfer students are encouraged to attend new student orientation to meet other new students and Center staff, and to learn about student support services, computer resources, library services, as well as web-conferencing classroom communication and procedures.

At Orientation you will learn about:
- MaineStreet and your “Student Center”
- Your University e-mail account
- Computerized library system
- How to request a library card
- What to do with Brightspace
- How online and web-conferencing classes work
- What college professors expect
- How to be prepared for the first few weeks of class
Online New Student Orientation
While UMA offers on-site orientations and students are invited to experience all orientation options, all incoming students are expected to complete the online format. Click on the button below for more information.
New students, are you activated?
If not, please immediately activate your UMS account and create a password. Here’s the quick guide to walk you through the process. Need assistance? Call 1-800-696-4357 or email Please bring your UMS account/password with you to orientation.
The UMA Math Placement Test
Students without recent math course grades are required to take the math Accuplacer test. The scores aid students and their advisors in determining the most appropriate math classes. UMA Rockland administers this test onsite and online.
Please call UMA Rockland (207-596-6906) or email us at if you’d like to schedule a placement test remotely or in person.
English Self Placement Test
University of Maine at Augusta offers two writing courses for first-year college students. ENG 100 is a credit-bearing elective writing course, and ENG 101 is the general education writing course required for all students at UMA.
ENG 100: Introduction to College Reading and Writing builds on students’ prior writing and reading experiences. The course gives students practice in exploring and making effective writing choices for different audiences and situations; building and using reading strategies; and understanding different aspects of the writing process, such as brainstorming, drafting, revising, editing, and giving and using feedback. ENG 100 offers students substantial guidance and support in writing and reading at the beginning of their college careers.
ENG 101: College Writing prepares students for the advanced, research-based writing they will do in their majors. The course introduces students to key rhetorical principles in writing and gives extensive practice in using the writing process to sustain large, research-based writing projects. Students will also practice techniques for conducting academic research as well as using research to develop their argumentative writing.
To determine which course is best for you at this time, complete the following Self-Placement Survey
Scholarships are financial awards, which do not have to be repaid. Full-time and part-time UMA students have an opportunity to apply for a number of scholarships as a result of funding made available by the University of Maine at Augusta, the University of Maine System, and generous donations by organizations and individuals to UMA’s scholarship fund.
The UMA Rockland Student Association provides community building and leadership opportunities.
The URock Student Association (SA) is made up of elected student members who serve in leadership roles dedicated to building the URock student community supported by student activity funds. The URock SA arranges for student field trips, student and family gatherings, sponsored events, and student giveaways.
Students interested in being part of the SA should contact Student Services Coordinator Katie Ebert. She welcomes your suggestions and participation.
SA Meetings are open to any current UMA Rockland Center student.
Contact Katie Ebert to get the Zoom link to the next SA meeting. We would love to have you join us!
Upcoming Events
Check the Events Calendar on the home page
If you have any questions, please email
UMA welcomes hundreds of transfer students each semester. In fact, the majority of our new students are transfer students! Whether you are coming in with a few courses or several semesters of credit, we will work with you to develop your educational plan and maximize your advance standing.
Have a Question? We Have Answers.
Student Services Coordinators (SSC) at the UMA Centers are happy to answer questions about financial aid, admission to a degree program, course schedules, and more. An SSC can help you select courses, locate resources and ensure you’re on track to graduate.
Elizabeth Daly
Student Services Coordinator
Program Liaison for: English
UMA Saco Center
Phone: 207.282.4111
Current UMA Students can schedule an appointment with Elizabeth here.
Not yet a UMA student? Schedule an appointment with Elizabeth here.
The UMA Saco Center offers a New Student Orientation (NSO) prior to the start of fall and spring semesters. All new and transfer students are encouraged to attend new student orientation to meet other new students and Center staff, and to learn about student support services, computer resources, library services, as well as classroom communication and procedures.
Please call 282-4111 for more information about upcoming NSO events.

At Orientation, you will learn about:
- MaineStreet and your “Student Center.”
- Your University email account.
- The University’s computerized library system.
- How to request a library card.
- What to do with Brightspace.
- How online and web-conference classes work.
- What college professors expect.
- How to be prepared for the first few weeks of class.
Online New Student Orientation
While UMA offers on-site orientations and students are invited to experience all orientation options, all incoming students are expected to complete the online format. Click on the button below for more information.
New students, are you activated?
If not, please immediately activate your UMS account and create a password. Here’s the quick guide to walk you through the process. Need assistance? Call 1-800-696-4357 or email Please bring your UMS account/password with you to orientation.
UMA is committed to your success! To ensure students have a solid academic foundation, the Office of Advising utilizes placement testing to determine students’ level of skill in one or more academic areas. This allows UMA staff to identify the most appropriate courses for enrollment. Students may be waived from placement testing with appropriate test scores, previous college coursework, or other criteria.
Certain times are available for students who need to schedule proctored exams for online classes, delayed view classes, approved makeup exams, or exams which must be taken outside of regular class time.
Exams must be scheduled ahead to ensure we have the correct exam on hand when you arrive. Be prepared to provide photo identification to the proctor before beginning your exam (e.g. driver’s license, passport, state-issued ID, student ID).
Please contact the Center for current proctored exam hours.
Please note: We are not able to accommodate exam start times prior to 8:30 am and no later than 3 hours before our center’s closing time.
Scholarships are financial awards, which do not have to be repaid. Full-time and part-time UMA students have an opportunity to apply for a number of scholarships as a result of funding made available by the University of Maine at Augusta, the University of Maine System, and generous donations by organizations and individuals to UMA’s scholarship fund.
Copies of the University of Maine System Conduct Code are available at Augusta’s Office of the Dean of Students. All students should become familiar with the Student Conduct Code. Questions should be directed to the Associate Dean of Students in Augusta.
UMA welcomes hundreds of transfer students each semester. Whether you are coming in with a few courses or several semesters of credit, we will work with you to develop your educational plan and maximize your advanced standing!
UMA’s Tutoring Resources are Statewide!
Tutoring is available for most developmental and introductory courses as well as some upper-level courses. It is provided in individual or small group settings by qualified community or peer tutors.