2024-2025 Weather/Emergency Cancellation Policy

With the increase of courses using a variety of distance modalities, more clarity on the policy regarding university closure is needed. As we continue to move beyond the pandemic, it is important to recognize the personal challenges and demands on students, faculty, and staff at home, and to understand that although classes are canceled, these days are hardly “free.”

When there is a weather-related cancellation of classes or any emergency situation:

  • No on-campus classes will be held on that day. In the event of a delayed opening, any on-campus class or event that starts prior to opening is canceled.
  • At the discretion of the instructor, distance synchronous classes may be held when the respective campus or center is closed. Instructors must clearly state their expectations in the course syllabus at the start of the semester. Students will not be penalized if they are unable to attend.
    • Faculty choosing to hold a distance synchronous class when campus is closed must record the class and post it to allow equal access to the course content.
    • Students will have the opportunity to turn in any assignment that is due on the day of the cancellation (regardless of modality) at a later date, as determined by the instructor, without penalty.
  • Out of respect for our facilities staff, the use of on-campus resources (e.g., parking, offices, classrooms, video conferencing spaces) are not allowed. Exceptions may be granted with approval of your Academic Dean and in consultation with the Director of Facilities.
  • Per requirements of our accrediting body, NECHE, all class content missed must be made up in a manner determined by the instructor.
  • As a rule, staff or department meetings will be canceled regardless of modality.
    • For faculty, with a request from the Academic Coordinator to their respective Academic Dean, an exception may be granted to assure a quorum for meetings (e.g., accreditation or external site visits, etc.).
    • For staff, with a request from your Supervisor and approval from the respective Vice President/Dean overseeing your department, an exception may be granted.
  • Essential personnel are required to report to work, as instructed. University of Maine System (UMS 08) employees should follow guidance about weather events, as communicated by their assigned campus location.

As a reminder, always check with your local UMA Center, the UMA website, or your supervisor regarding cancellation information.

You can find information on campus closures and emergency information at the UMA Website, by calling 1-877-UMA-1234, UMA’s internet radio, or through announcements on many radio and TV stations.

UMA Alerts will only inform you of closings and other emergency information on UMA’s Augusta and Bangor campuses. Confirm your enrollment in UMA alerts here.

Weather and emergency alert information about UMA centers or sites will be available on each UMA Center home page. Click on each location for the most up-to date alert information.

Make-up classes should be scheduled for classes missed due to storms. Make-up days are posted in the academic calendar.

  • To ensure room availability, teachers of classes held in Augusta should check with the Registrar (207-621-3144 or 1-877-862-1234, Ext. 3144) before scheduling a make-up class.
  • To schedule make-up classes at the UMA Bangor campus, teachers should contact the office of the campus Dean (207-262-7700).
  • Faculty of hyflex classes may reschedule classes by contacting Academic Services (207-621-3302 or 1-877-1234, Ext. 3302).
  • Faculty of classes at Centers can reschedule a class by contacting the office of the Center Director where the class is held.

In addition, for this academic year, any staff or department meetings will also be canceled. Although many if not all of our meetings are held via Zoom, it is important to be cognizant of providing faculty and staff the same opportunity to deal with cancellations and address their home/family issues.

Safety continues to be the primary goal of this policy, and with this an attempt to provide a modicum of stress relief in wake of a very stressful time.