Attention Student Associations, Student Government Members, & Distance Education Students

My name is Miranda. I am the Distance Education Student Coordinator (DESC) for the General Assembly and I want to hear from you! My role is to be a bridge between centers and distance education students at UMA. I would like to meet with you and your fellow members to discuss your ideas, concerns, and opinions so I can be a better voice at the General Assembly meetings. I hope to see you there!

Did you know that you can vote on important issues along with the other GA members? Getting involved and receiving voting rights at a meeting is easy, all you have to do is let me know! It’s information like this and much more that I want to relay to you all. I am available to meet individually or in groups. Whatever works best for you!

I wanted this position because I believe in distance learning. I believe that the future of this learning platform is still being molded and I know that now is the time to mold it to best suit our needs. Who knows them better? I look forward to meeting and working with all of you. Together we can help shape the future of distance education and our own college journeys. I can’t wait to hear from you!

The best way to reach me is by email!