Call for ID Liners – UMA Internet Radio

Greetings from UMA Internet Radio!

The University of Maine at Augusta now has its very own Internet radio station! Currently we are broadcasting a mix of music and UMA announcements, but soon we will be expanding to offer more music genres, informational shows and interviews. The goal is to involve students, staff and faculty with content creation and production.

You may listen to the station lone in a variety of ways.

  1. You can go to and click on the player link.
  2. Alternatively, you can go to (or download their app) and search for AUGUSTA, which should show the link to our station.
  3. If you have a smart listening device from Amazon, you can download the skill for your Alexa device and then ask it to play UMA. Complete directions are available on our website.

To demonstrate that UMA Internet Radio includes everyone, we are asking anyone who wishes to do so to submit a short identification audio liner, which states your name, your role at UMA and the station ID.

The format to follow is:

“Hi, this is FIRST NAME LAST NAME, JOB ROLE/TITLE. You’re Listening to W-U-M-A, Internet Radio from the University of Maine at Augusta.”

So, for example, a liner could be read:

“Hi, this Dan Philbrick, Director of UMA’s Saco Center. You’re Listening to W-U-M-A. Internet Radio from the University of Maine at Augusta.”

Please record your liner using your PC or Mac and save the audio file as an mp3. You may use your Voice Recorder on your PC or Voice Memo on your MAC or iPhone.

Send your mp3 files to You may also send any questions or requests for help or assistance with creating your file.

Thank you for your assistance as we start building our new and exciting Internet Radio station.

UMA internet radio logo