French Language Immersion Weekend a Big Success!

A large group poses for a picture
Participants in the 2024 French Immersion Weekend at UMA

The University of Maine at Augusta (UMA) and the Maine chapter of the American Association of Teachers of French (AATF-Maine) are thrilled with the success of their annual French Immersion Weekend held this October. The event was attended by intermediate and advanced French speakers of various ages and experiences.

Numerous workshops were held exclusively in French throughout the day on Saturday, including crepe making, an interactive session on Quebec, yoga, outdoor games, card games, a French film “Le Carrefour,”  news in French, Francophone Africa, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Senegal, singing in French, and many others. 

Attendees loved the icebreaker games at the beginning of the day. One participant said, “The ice breaker was fun and a good way to meet everyone in a short space of time; it was great to be in contact with so many people conversing in French!” The Quebec, Senegal and Congo sessions were also immensely popular.

One teacher who brought her class to the event said, “It was great to see my students enjoying themselves speaking French! And it’s always great to connect with colleagues and friends.”

This annual event is a rare opportunity to enhance French skills outside of a classroom, engage in real-world conversations, make new friends, and celebrate the Francophone world. It is one of the few immersion events in the U.S. that brings together such a diverse group of French enthusiasts. “We are very passionate about this immersion weekend, which has been part of Maine’s Francophone community for decades,” shared Dr. Chelsea Ray, UMA French professor and event coordinator. “It is an honor to host this event at UMA and welcome everyone to campus to practice their French in a supportive, warm community of teachers, students, and community members.” The organizing committee is made up of officers from the AATF, as well as other local French teachers.