Kahoot Trivia #2 – COLORS

If you’re new to our Weekly Kahoots, each week we share a link to 20-25 trivia questions in The Moosenger and on social media. The theme varies – this semester we have everything from New England and Finish the Lyrics to Must Watch Movies and Stranger Things!

For each week that you participate before 11:59PM the following Sunday (either by using your student ID# as a nickname, or “registering” a nickname with the Office of Student Life) you will earn an item of swag and one entry into an end-of-semester raffle with lots of amazing prizes! All swag items/prizes will be distributed at the conclusion of the semester.

For this week: do you know that the color pink reduces anger and anxiety? Or that yellow and red actually stimulate your appetite? See what other COLOR-related questions we’ve got for you by clicking on this link or using Pin# 005883508 in the Kahoot! App!

rainbow colors