Peggy Konitzky, author of Midcoast Maine in World War II, will talk about what life was like here at home during the war years. Hear stories and see vivid photographs about how ordinary people took worry about loved ones, rationing, price controls, civilian defense drills, food shortages, blackouts and more in their stride and added new burdens of war work and volunteering to their already busy daily lives.

The Kennebec Historical Society’s July speaker, Peggy Konitzky, is the Historic New England Midcoast Maine Site Manager. She manages Castle Tucker and the Nickels-Sortwell House in Wiscasset, the Bowman Estate in Dresden and Marrett House in Standish, Maine. She holds a degree in history from Georgetown University School of Foreign Service, an MBA from New York University and a Certificate in Museum Studies from Tufts University. Originally from Glen Ridge, New Jersey, Peggy has held a number of positions in museum and historic preservation nonprofits in Maine since beginning her second career in 2001.
The Kennebec Historical Society July Presentation is free to the public (donations gladly accepted). The presentation will be followed by some light refreshments and take place on Wednesday, July 17, 2019, at 6:30 p.m. at UMA’s Jewett Hall Auditorium, Augusta Campus.
Kennebec Historical Society
107 Winthrop Street, Augusta, ME 04330