Our Weekly “Kahoot!” Trivia has begun!

If you’re new to our Weekly Kahoots, each week we share a link to 20-25 trivia questions in The Moosenger and on social media. The theme varies – this semester we have everything from New England and Finish the Lyrics to Must Watch Movies and Stranger Things!

For each week that you participate before 11:59PM the following Sunday (either by using your student ID# as a nickname, or “registering” a nickname with the Office of Student Life) you will earn an item of swag and one entry into an end-of-semester raffle with lots of amazing prizes! All swag items/prizes will be distributed at the conclusion of the semester.

For our first week we’re talking about the Olympics! Earlier this month, the 2024 Olympics captivated the world as over 10,500 Olympians flipped, rowed, boxed, wrestled, shot, and raced to compete against the best.

Click on this link or use PIN # 009589682 in the Kahoot! App to see how much you remember about the Games!
