Celebrate Pride Month with LGBTQ+ Resources at UMA

Why do we celebrate Pride Month?

parade goers walking down Water Street in Hallowell, ME

The first pride parades were a reaction to the Stonewall Riots which happened in 1969. During the 1960s, homosexuality was still a punishable crime and there were various laws that discriminated against Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer (LGBTQ+) people. One of these laws prohibited bars in New York from serving alcohol to gay patrons, which caused gay bars to often operate without liquor licenses. Police raids and brutality swept the community until one raid at the Stonewall Inn pushed the community to protest. Led by trans activists of color, Marsha P. Johnson and Sylvia Rivera, as well as many others, the Stonewall Riot is often cited as a transformation in LGBTQ+ activism in the United States.

Although Pride is often associated with parades and rainbows, it is also an opportunity to reflect on the people who have made the advancements in LGBTQ+ rights possible for current members of the community. Although advances have been made since the 1960s, there is still discrimination and oppression felt by many and Pride should be a time for continuing the fight for LGBTQ+ rights today. In addition to reflecting on the past and looking toward the future, Pride is very much about celebrating the present. Pride is also a time of celebration, gender euphoria, loving oneself, and self-care! Pride is an excellent time to discover your identity and to be unapologetically you. Share the love and celebrate yourself, your friends, your family, your chosen family, and your community by attending a Pride parade or event near you!

University Resources

three UMA community members posing for a photo before the parade

Counseling & Wellness Center

All currently enrolled UMA students have access to the UMA Counseling Center, staffed by counselors who are available to talk about a variety of issues. Whether it is an adjustment to college, anxiety, identity development, relationship concerns, or anything else, students should feel confident that UMA counselors are an excellent, confidential resource to turn to.

FMI: umacounseling@maine.edu

Gender Neutral Bathrooms

Gender neutral bathrooms are located in a variety of places across UMA’s Augusta and Bangor campuses.

FMI: Dr. Susan Baker (sbak@maine.edu)

UMA Libraries Pride Month Guide

UMA Libraries has compiled a list of several books and streaming films that available to UMA community members. 

FMI: Cory Budden (cory.budden@maine.edu)

DEI Action Club

UMA DEI Action Club promotes diversity, inclusion, and proper representation of students on campus. We aim to create a network that includes students of all ages, backgrounds, abilities, and identities. Our goal is to support and unite UMA students while providing a safe space for everyone to express their concerns and suggest solutions. We also organize activities and events related to our club’s values.

FMI: Lorien Lake Corral (lorien.lakecorral@maine.edu)

Off-Campus Resources

Tricia Spearin waiving a streamer down as she walks in the parade down Water Street


NAMI extends its commitment to mental health support to the LGBTQ+ community through a range of specialized services. These include peer support groups, educational workshops, and advocacy efforts tailored to address the unique mental health challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals. With a focus on fostering understanding, acceptance, and resilience, NAMI Maine provides a safe and inclusive space for LGBTQ+ individuals to access support, resources, and community connections, promoting mental wellness and empowerment for all.

Maine Health Equity Alliance (HEAL)

HEAL is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing LGBTQ+ individuals with vital healthcare services in a safe and affirming environment. Their services encompass hormone replacement therapy for gender-affirming care, specialized STI testing and treatment, comprehensive sexual health education, mental health support, and access to LGBTQ+ competent healthcare providers. With a focus on community empowerment and advocacy, HEAL strives to address the unique healthcare needs of LGBTQ+ individuals while promoting inclusivity and dignity in all aspects of care.

Outright Lewiston/Auburn

Outright Lewiston/Auburn aims to create safe environments for Maine’s LGBTQ+ community between the ages of 12 and 21. Check out their website for programs and for ways to get involved.

Planned Parenthood: LGBTQ Services

Planned Parenthood offers a comprehensive array of LGBTQ+ services tailored to the diverse healthcare needs of the community. These include hormone replacement therapy for transgender and gender nonconforming individuals, PrEP for HIV prevention, STI testing and treatment, contraception options, cancer screenings, reproductive health services, and general healthcare services. With a commitment to inclusivity and sensitivity, Planned Parenthood provides a safe and supportive environment for LGBTQ+ individuals to access essential healthcare, regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity.