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Dental Health faculty presented fall continuing education for the Maine Nutrition Council

Faculty member Kathryn Walker was a presenter for the Maine Nutrition Council continuing education fall event “Life Stages: Oral HealthRead More

Faculty Highlights | Henry Felch discusses privacy issues and anonymity with News Center Maine

Scientists say that accessing your anonymized data is now possible. WCSH6 News discusses with UMA Cybersecurity/CIS instructor, Henry Felch theRead More

French-Canadian Legacy Podcast invites Dr. Chelsea Ray to discuss French Immersion Weekend

Dr. Chelsea Ray, Associate Professor of French Language and Literature at UMA, was featured on the French-Canadian Legacy Podcast. EveryRead More

UMA Cybersecurity faculty member Betina Tagle joins discussion with Maine Public.

Dr. Betina Tagle, UMA Cybersecurity faculty member, weighs in on what can be done to deal with the prevalence ofRead More