The ‘Student Study Away Request’ form is now available online. 

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When students wish to enroll in courses somewhere other than at UMA, they must complete and have approved the online Student Study Away Request form.

The form is now an online web-based form that allows students to provide information digitally.

After students fill out the online form, it will be automatically directed to the SSC or faculty advisor that they chose in the form. The advisor will receive an email with the form information, and must review the submission for accuracy and to ensure the class(es) will meet the student’s degree requirements.

Pay special attention to:

  • number of credits per course,
  • the date the course starts,
  • whether it is a UMS or Community College course (proof of enrollment is required for courses taken outside of UMS), and
  • whether the course is required and showing as “needed” in Degree Progress Report, or if course substitution was submitted and/or approved.

If everything looks great: 

Forward the form email to the Office of Financial Aid at for processing. 

If there is information that is missing or needs updating: 

You may need to contact the student to review any information they may have overlooked or misunderstood. After gathering the appropriate information, forward the form email to the Office of Financial Aid at for processing, with all necessary updates included in the body of your email.

Please note: The Director of Financial Aid will receive a copy of the student-submitted forms, and will reach out to the advisor if their approval email is not received in a timely manner.