Investigative Journalist Wessler to speak on recent investigation on failed oversight in the US Marshals Service’s detention system
The Maine State Forum series will host Seth Wessler, Investigative Journalist on Wednesday, October 30, 2019 from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm at the University of Maine at Augusta’s Jewett Hall Auditorium, Augusta campus. Mr. Wessler will discuss his current investigative work regarding the lack of oversight in the US Marshal Services’ detention system, as recently published in Mother Jones and NPR. This event is free and open to the public.
The Maine State Forum brings speakers to the University of Maine at Augusta to discuss topics of interest to the Maine community. The question and answer format after the presentation allows attendees to learn and interact with the speaker. The program is coordinated by Assistant Professor Sharon McMahon Sawyer of the Justice Studies Department.

About the Speaker
Seth Freed Wessler is a Peabody Award and Hillman Prize-winning investigative reporter and a fellow at Type Investigations (formerly called The Nation Institute). He has reported for The New York Times Magazine, The Nation, ProPublica, the Smithsonian Magazine, This American Life, Reveal/The Center for Investigative Reporting, and other outlets.
His work on immigration enforcement, federal prisons, and social services has spurred legislative reforms, inspired advocacy campaigns, and led to shifts in federal and state policy.
Sharon McMahon Sawyer